Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet

In September 2014 Punto Europa was designated by the European Union a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE).

Jean Monnet Centers of Excellence are awarded as part of a European Commission’s Action aimed at universities around the world to support European studies, research, teaching and dissemination of research’s results among civil society.

The Forlì JMCE, officially launched with a keynote address by the former President of the European Commission Romano Prodi, is devoted, through the competence of its high-level experts, at enhancing knowledge on EU and Europe in the academic context and among the general public.

The designation as a Center of Excellence is a recognition for the activities developed by Punto Europa since its establishment in 1999 and for its role in bringing the students and the public closer to the European reality. Over the past 8 years Punto Europa has indeed coordinated, in the framework of the Jean Monnet Action, a vast array of initiatives: 1 Jean Monnet Chair ad personam, 4 Jean Monnet Chairs, 2 European modules, 4 “EU at school” projects (involving 12.500 students and 630 teachers), 3 “Information” projects, 1 Multilateral research group and 137 events open to the public.

With the designation as Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, the European Commission granted the funding of a three-years research project “The European Union in World Politics: What Power? What Leadership? A multidisciplinary Approach”. This project aims at showing how and why the European Union has come to assume the status of a global power, and to what extent this status affects the international context.

For more details:

Research project



Partner Universities

Per ulteriori informazioni: | Padiglione Melandri - Piazzale Solieri, 1 - 47121 Forlì | Tel.: +39 0543 374807 | Fax: +39 0543 374801 | E-mail: |
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